Other info as far as planning!
Me and my group are starting to prepare for the film and what is involved in filming it. Over the last couple weeks, we have figured out the location, participants, health, schedule, and backup plan. Location: The locations will be frost park and a car. At frost park there will be an actor on his daily walk and there will a different actor spying on him. So we will have two actors at the park and on person filming us. Frost is a great location because our genre is thriller, and many things that are thrilling can occur at the park so me and my group feel it is a great location. The second will be a car. In the film, one of the actors gets kidnapped, and the other actor puts him in the car. Then, they start driving with the other actor mobilized. Participants: There will be three participants in the film. There will be two main actors, and we will have a group member to film. However, we might incorporate the group that films into the Schedule: On February 2...