Title Design Research: (thriller)
For this title design, we chose "outbreak" A title sequence from a movie in the thriller genre. Here is some information, that our group did as we researched this title sequence.
1. How many titles are displayed during the opening sequence to the film? Which ones?
Throughout the title sequence there were 28 different titles displayed through the scenes. As the film began, the lead actors, or main characters of the film's names were presented in blue bold letters, later, after about four of these titles the name of the movie came up in larger text, "outbreak." After this a new scene transitioned that displayed a "present day" text, and shortly after the setting was displayed as another title. Then, smaller, less important actor titles were displayed to the audience. Although, often the opening sequence transitioned to naming the ones involved, to showing the settings of the different labs in the building. After some time, the back round people's names were displayed as titles, leading up to the editing coordinator, executive producer, writer, and eventually producer. These were all of the titles throughout the sequence.
2. What connotations do the images carry? (how do they make you feel)
The title sequence contains more video clips, and scenes as the titles play rather than images. Although, because this is a thriller film, the clips that are played carry an eerie connotation. It leads the audience to wonder, what is this explosion? Or why is this lab so secure? These questions that transpose in a viewers mind leads them to feel not only curious, but thrilled in a scene, as to the mystery behind these questions may reveal a surprising story.
3. How is the genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset (can you tell what genre the film is?)
The genre is reinforced through this title sequence because, like mentioned before, it makes the audience curious, and thrilled. This title sequence does not present any humor, therefore it cant be comedy, little to no stunts were performed, so it cant be action. Also, there were not any jump scares or triggering sights that could lead the audience to believe the genre is horror. This title sequence perfectly gives the image of an eerie start, a society with problems that accurately describe what a thriller genre should look like. It keeps the audience on edge. Therefore, yes, because of the opening sequence we can tell what genre this is and how it is reinforced through symbolic and technical codes.
4. What conventions are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?
To start, its important to note who the target audience is. The target audience of this specific movie are people who are looking for a thriller about an outbreak, about disease in which they question how and if this disease will be contained. Now, many conventions are used to show this purpose and appeal this to the target audience. First, tracking shots are used throughout almost the entire film. These tracking shots are looked upon as the audience, following the scientists through the lab as they take a "tour" of it. This leads the audience to believe they are there and it is more real than it really is. It keeps them engaged and therefore opens their mind to questions as the opening sequence carries out. Costumes also give that eerie, dangerous feel to the movie, as hazmat suits appeal to disease, and danger and makes the audience feel on edge about what possibly could be so dangerous. These are the main conventions used that appeals to its target audience.
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