Our script.

 Here is the script and sound that our group is using in this scene!

Scene 1:

Nick, friend of victim: "they said i'd be right here, where's the drop off??"

Victim: "maybe near the basketball hoop, lets go by there to check."

Scene 2:

Nick, friend of victim: "No way they lied right? we payed!! This is a scam, it has to be."

Victim: "uhm nick"

Nick, friend of victim: "I'm going to call them, I have to there no way they would do this"

Victim: "uhm nick, NICK" --- Thrilling suspenseful sound track plays.

Scene 3:

Kidnapper: "They fell for it, the knife, the blood, I have them trapped now"

--Kidnapper leaves premises and steadily runs towards nick, and victim. 

--suspenseful music continues to play in the background.

Scene 4:

---Victim is suddenly swiped, after he notices the alerting objects near the basketball hoop

---sound-- white noise begins to play as if the victim blacked out, or was put to sleep.

Scene 5.

In a hazy voice, nick friend of victim, "nick nick!!! where are we, what happened??" In a frantic voice

---both subjects are blindfolded.

victim: "I've been meaning to tell you something, there after me, and they got us..."

Scene 6:

Kidnapper enters scene--- walking back and forth in from of nick, and the victim

Kidnapper: "you know, when we were little, i always was compared to you..."

Kidnapper: "(victims name) this.... and that, but what really clicked for me...."

Victim: ---Kicks kidnapper, in the legs and knocks him down.

Scene 7: Victim--- flees from scene and leaves Nick behind... "nick, its free for all, they're coming..."

Scene 8: Nick... in low lighting, eerie music. "HELP! HELP!"

Kidnapper-- after getting back up.. "you're coming with me, were finding your friend (victim)

Scene 9: Nick, "I'm not getting in your car, not without an explanation."

Kidnapper, "ill explain everything, but trust me, I'm the one you want to trust."

Kidnapper, "(victims name) is the one that you must watch out for, i used to be like you..."

Scene 10: --- they arrive at unusual area, bright lighting, and action packed music.

Kidnapper, "we're here, and I will explain it all started with him."

Scene 11: Editing- Tape is reminded back to when the kidnapper and the (not so much victim anymore) are talking.

(now victim turned enemy): " I always knew I could trust you."

Kidnapper, "partners forever."

Scene 12: Title scene.


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