Genre research: (thriller)
The third genre that our group chose is thriller. Here are the common camera angles, mis-en-scene, sounds, editing. As well as some example films.
Common Angles: There are many different angles that are widely used in the thriller genre. To start, high angled or birds eye view are commonly used in thriller. These shots are usually shown to give the effect that whatever is being locked down on, appears to look powerless and vulnerable. There are other angles used in thriller such as close up shots. This camera angle is used to show what the character reactions are to whatever is happening in the film and how they are feeling at that moment. It is also used to capture detail closely in a scene that is important in the film. The last camera angle common in thrillers is tracking shots. It helps the audience to have a full view of the scene and what is happening, but also helps to build suspense and tension as the audience does not know what could be shown next. These are same common angles used in thriller.
Common Mis-En-Scene: In our research of the thriller genre, we also saw many instances of props, costumes, lighting, makeup, and setting variety but there were common attributes of mis-en-scene to note. There is a limited amount of make-up in order to make the characters on screen more relatable for the audience. The low level lighting creates shadows in order to create fear and tension within a viewing audience. Normal clothing is usually used in the thriller genre. This is used in order to try and create realism within a film and make the audience believe that this could be them in this situation.
Common Editing: All thriller films use fast and slow pace editing. This is very good at creating suspense, tension and also conveying emotions and representing characters. Most commonly, thrillers use fast and slow paced editing specifically to create suspense and tension within a scene.
Common Sound: In our research, we found a plethora of common tactics that are used in thriller regarding sound. A screaming sound is conventional to a thriller film because the character on the screen has been frightened by something which has a profound effort on the audience. Sound that the characters cannot hear and is not part of the imaginary world of the story.
Example Films of Thriller: There many examples of thriller films. Some example include: The Silence of the Lambs, The Power of the Dog, I See You, Red Dragon, and Buried.
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