Long day of filming; Overcoming the wind

 Today marked the first day of filming for me and my team! We gathered all of our props, which consisted of costumes, make up and other supplies. After, we all headed to our filming location, the park. Once we got to the park, the first step we had to do was set up our first scene. We planned our first scene to be an establishing shot of the area. Next, the shot would slowly pan to our main character. The character would be walking through the park, looking down as if they're sad about something. Filming this shot took a couple of takes, this is because it was a public park and often locals would walk through our set-up. Another minor issue when filming this scene was the wind! It was a very windy day, and overcoming the wind took a couple of takes. However, after we were satisfied with the result we started filming the next scene in a different area of the park. This scene would introduce new characters to our short film. This scene was very important because it gives the audience back round information about why the emotions of the characters are negative. However, once again the wind got in our way! The strong winds made it almost impossible to hear the dialogue of the characters. When watching the shots back, our group knew we had to re-take this shot. So, after re-taking, we were able to hear the clear dialogue, and we satisfied with the clip. These two shots took a lot longer than expected. In result, our group picked a couple more days in our schedule that we could film, in case we did not finish in the original allotted time. Next, we reviewed our footage, and decided to try our first shot once more, just to get it perfect. Reviewing our film is always crucial towards getting a perfect outcome. This allows our team to make small changes and pick out what we do and don't like!


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