Short Film research: Emilie Muller/Drama


The first short film I watched was “Emilie Muller”, a short film made in 1994. It's about a girl who goes in for an interview and the director talks to her about what's in her bag. I was able to watch this using a website called ‘film short’ which showed me the movie. 

Common Sound in the film  

In the film there are only diegetic sounds in the film. In the beginning there is some music that plays but it fades out and the main focus in the film. It's more shown after during one main scene that you can only hear the dialogue between the two characters and any other sounds are from the world where the story is being told. Its shows that with drama films the main focus should be the story and not the music that usually plays in movie.  

Common Mis-En-Scene (CLAMPS) in your genre 

The makeup accents the face and its natural so it's not heavy on the face. With the costumes, they are clothes that anyone would wear, and they aren't anything different from clothes people would wear on average for an interview. The props all match with the scene but are also one of the main focuses as he is asking her about what's in her purse and their average things people would have during that time period. The are no props that are out of place and that make the scene weird, everything just fits into place. the acting is good Aswell as it seems as through Shes really just at an interview and just talking about her life.

Common Editing in your film 

The edit you see first in the film is with the black and white coloring. The year the film came out there was already coloring so it was able to have color. The film chose to have no color and gave the black and white filter to give it a more artistic vibe, rather than use regular color. The most common edit in the short film was the jump cut that switched the shorts. This is something to just switch scenes and have fast changes. while there weren't many edits in the film, any edits in the short film left an impact on the scene and what was happening throughout the film.

What elements of the film that you like? 

I liked how it was very calm and building up to the ending and it seemed like it was just about the girl and her life. It made it better with the sudden twist that was shocking and made you think what this girl was doing with another person's bag.  

What elements of the film do not appeal to you? 

Some elements of the film that I did not enjoy was that it was only a girl speaking about her life and what's in her bag. I feel as if there could have been more background to the film and story and more about what exactly was going on and why it was happening. I just wish there was more in the film and that it at least gave some ending about the girl and why she did what she did rather than leave on a cliffhanger. while it was good that it gave an open interpretation about the ending, I still would rather a clear ending.


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