how to make a short film research

 What is your takeaway from the video?

This was a great video to watch right before my group and I start really planning our short film. Out of the many key points that I’ll remember, I think my main takeaway was about planning. In the video, the speaker starts off explaining why planning is so crucial. Planning ahead of filming is good because it sets a firm foundation for your short film. The speaker says that to write a good short film, you have to write what you can “pull-off”. This means that you have to plan and write in according to your budget and resources that are at your disposal. This will alleviate the stress that will come from not being able to carry out the short film properly or as planned.

 What good information did you gather while watching it?

We received so many good information as well as tips for making our short film. Aside from my takeaway, other good information that we gathered from the video is that we need to establish a tone for our short film. The speaker stresses the importance of the short film’s tone. Every camera angle, location, lens choice, lighting choice, and wardrobe should compliment the tone of the short film. If it doesn’t, then we will face the risk of ruining our film. We also learned that a good way to keep moral up is by keeping snacks or eating before filming. We all love icecream so hopefully we’ll grab a cone before we start filming!

How do you envision this helping you through your short film process?


The information that we learning from the video can help our short film process in many ways. Applying this information will be vital since we do want our film to be of quality. Boosting our morals will make the short film process quicker. Additionally, planning ahead will most likely help our film look more organized. Thankfully, our short film will only require a small budget. I can’t wait to start filming with these tips!


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