Plans got canceled today.


So today I made plans to go film at a local park, but unfortunately it didn't work out. I got home, grabbed my gear and was ready to head out. I grabbed all of our props, which included costumes, a fake knife and etc.
But as soon as i went to head out, it started pouring!! I waited about fifteen minuets but the rain just didn't stop, so me and my group made a compromise. I decided to head over to nicks house where we would be able to work there inside. I started there by planning some final touches about our script and outline. I also saw examples movies that are in the same genre of ours. We noted some important thins, like low angles that were used throughout the film. I also realized that in these professional films, low angles are used to show the power of the subject. I planned to implement this is our film to show the kidnapper having power. I also researched some new editing software to use after filming our opening sequence. But, most of them came with a charge so I decided to stick with IMovie. Occasionally, I would check outside of my group mates house to see if it was still raining, because he lives near the park. By the time it stopped, it was getting dark. So, we finished up on our research about our genre. I almost left my camera and props. I headed home an reflected on our progress and what we will need to do for the future. I also re-arranged our schedule so that we can fit in a new filming date and hopefully it won't be raining that day. This is what we did for our production today!


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