editing day!


Today was my first day of editing. all of my work and my teams work through filming our scenes from our storyboard was complete. All that was left to do was editing. I generally like editing, and I have past experience through editing specifically on I-movie. So, the first step was to gather all of my clips. My partner emailed me the clips from football, and volleyball and i simply put them together in a new "movie." Next, i picked out what transitions I wanted where the scenes and shots would change. I zoomed in on certain parts where my actor threw the football. I even slowed down the shots where our actors were throwing the football, and diving for the volleyball. I also cut and changed the angle of certain shots to give the illusion of a scene being overlooked by different angles. Next, it was time to add music. We agreed upon action, inspirational, and sporty music. So I
found some non copywrite action commercial music that was perfect. I was able to add a fade in and out for the music to give a beginning and ending effect. Next, i added different filters on the clips. These filters gave the clips a more vibrant feel, which made the outdoors look more appealing. Also, it make the NIKE gear look more gradient, and bright to appeal the viewers. finally, i added the NIKE logo and "just do it slogan." I then exported the video after it was complete, it was around 28 seconds long. This is what i did today!!


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