My group!!
As I'm heading into this final task, I'm gonna need some help! So, here is an introduction of my group and what they will be doing! To start, of course I'm in the group. I will be doing all around work as for a couple of people. I will be mainly a filmier and actor, however I am going to contribute to the editing process of making the final task, I'm so excited to work with my group and I know we are going to do a great job because we are all prepared. I also know that each member of the group are great at doing there job, so it will all come together nicely. The second person in my group is Nick Pearlman. Nick is also our second great all around participant. He's a great filmier, but also is very good at acting. Finally, Nick is a great respectful teal player. He knows when, and where we are going to film and always stays on top of things. The next member in our group is Ava Kanter. Ava is primarily a behind the scenes member. She loves and is very good at managi...