This week, we came up with a schedule that we will follow for our filming and editing. For filming, our group had a hard time coming up with a schedule, a time and place. This was because we all have very different schedules, and they all overlap with each other! So, instead of filming this week, we did more planning before hand, like figuring out how we are going to be able to execute our different unique scenes, and what items we will need to do so. We also did planning for costumes for the short film. We decided that we will be wearing casual cloths, typical cloths that an every day teenager would wear, to show realism in our film. By Feburary 3rd, we will have our storyboard done, depicting what will be in each scene. By Wednesday, our props will be finished, and we will start planning our our poster. Most of our actors in our group have already been casted, however in our film, we will need a couple actors to help. So, we've also been thinking about who to cast for character...